Best of Health in

		ExtraOrdinary Science, book cover
Best of Health
  in ExtraOrdinary Science

by Steven R. Elswick, BSEE
   publisher of Exotic Research Report

Media: 8.5x11 GBC
Published: December 1995
Publisher: Exotic Research
Pages: 174
Retail Price: $19.95

This collection of health-related articles edited by Steve Elswick were published in ExtraOrdinary Science, the official magazine of the Int'l Tesla Society. Included are articles on possible cures for cancer, light therapies, 714X, violet rays, Rife devices, and ways to alleviate the ill effects of modern living... the sick housing syndrome, electromagnetic radiation, aspartame, vaccinations, fluoridation ! A primer on suppressed alternative health issues, this is an excellent book to acquaint you with alternative technologies and the modern, everyday health hazards.

Order your copy of this great compilation... TODAY!!!

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