Rife Plasma Beam Logo
Reprinted from: ExtraOrdinary Technology (Volume 1, Issue 1; Jan/Feb/Mar 2003)

rife1.gif Royal Raymond Rife pictured here with the Rife Universal Microscope... one of his greatest inventions!
The Rife Beam tube was most probably the greatest contribution to the field of oncology, and as expected was completely ignored by the medical community as a whole. Rife was not a quack, he was an accomplished scientist who practiced both as a physician and researcher. Single-handedly, Rife discovered the basic true nature of cancer and eventually arrived at a cure.

Rife began his research looking for some type of underlying cause of the carcinomas and sarcomas plaguing both his generation and ours. To aid him in is quest, he developed many laboratory instruments, such as the Rife microscope, that have yet to be equaled... even today. The closest device available to the modern researcher today is the electron microscope. However, the electron microscope will not image a live virus as the Rife model would.

As with many great inventors, Rife found himself persecuted and he died a broken man, leaving behind the legacy of his great accomplishments for future generations to rediscover.

The Rife Microscope
Rife began his research looking for an underlying cause for cancer. He postulated that certain types of virus were pleomorphic, that is to say they possessed the ability to change form. Further, he postulated that the virus in question were constructed in ways resembling crystalline lattice, and in certain states were susceptible to mechanical or electrical vibrations. These virus emanated frequencies near or at their own internal resonant frequencies and therefore he concluded that a suitable device could be constructed to identify these insidious carcinogens.

The first step was to image the living virus in some way that allowed a magnification great enough and resolution clear enough that a human eye could perceive the very mechanisms that were the wheelworks of the cancer process. As the reader might recall, the problem with normal light optics in magnifying microscopes is that the wavelength of the source light prohibits the imaging of items that have a diameter that is smaller. You simply cannot image an object that is smaller than the source lights wavelength! But by resonating cells to the point that they became the light source, Rife was able to construct one his greatest inventions... the Rife Universal Microscope... a microscope that allowed optical imaging of living things as small as a virus while they were active and “alive”. He discovered things never before seen by a human being.

Using samples from living tumors, Rife was able to identify various cancer causing virus and he was able to learn to recognize their various forms as they changed from one form to another. He noticed that each type of virus had a unique frequency associated with it evidenced by the color of the light that he saw through the microscope. Rife was able to back calculate these frequencies and identify what he later termed Mortal Oscillatory Rates.

The Rife Beam Tube
At this point, Rife was to make his single greatest discovery (not counting the microscope). He constructed a simple plasma discharge tube that generated a narrow spectrum of light somewhere in the high visible-low UV area. When he exposed the samples of the cancer-causing virus to the light, nothing happened. This was the control experiment. The light alone would not affect the samples. Rife could verify this by looking through the microscope after each exposure.

Rife then modulated the light from his tube with a simple square wave oscillator. The oscillator was set to the mortal oscillatory rate of the particular virus he was trying to effect. When he exposed the sample to the modulated light, I imagine even he was dumbfounded! The crystalline structured virus were completely obliterated. They were literally shattered to pieces by the force of resonance. In addition, Rife found that once destroyed, the virus lost their ability to cause cancers and were inert. To destroy different carcinomas, Rife simply changed the modulation frequency of the plasma tube.

He quickly discovered that he could shrink tumors with this approach also!!! Imagine his excitement upon uncovering one of the most significant discoveries of the century. Rife continued to experiment with his smaller tubes and made improvement after improvement until arriving at the final design that was to become his “treatment” device. Hundreds of people received treatments from Rife and his amazing beam tube, the success rate was phenomenal. The Rife Instrument WAS a cure for Cancer!!

Not sold ANYWHERE!
So, here we are in 2003, and there are no Rife Beam Tubes to be found! Sure, you can buy a Rife generator, half a dozen companies produce them in one form or another. But, the beam tube, the true original device created by Rife has not been produced or redeveloped to this day to my knowledge.

Our intention is to re-create this amazing device, to explore the theory of its operation, and bring the technical specifications to light once again. Our aim is to create the tools for the serious clinical researcher to enable him/her to continue in Rife’s footsteps and trod the path he illuminated. If the Rife generators available commercially aren’t like the original design, what was the original beam tube like?

To fully understand and appreciate the complex mechanics of an electronic plasma discharge beam tube, we must first take a brief look into technical details of the physical properties of these types of devices.

Four States of Matter
Truly in a state by itself, plasma is full of mystery. The least prevalent state of matter on Earth, plasma is the most abundant state of matter in outer space. Plasma is an embodiment, readily observable, of both matter and energy in symbiosis.

Plasma is used in many commercial and industrial applications. Plasma discharge tubes and their applications touch the lives of most of us every day from neon signs to X-Rays in clinics and hospitals to fluorescent lights and television. Before any coherent discussion of this unique state of matter called plasma, can be undertaken, we need to be familiar with a few terms and concepts.
  • ion ~ An ion is an atom or group of atoms that is not electrically neutral but instead carries a positive or negative charge. Positive ions are formed when neutral atoms or molecules lose valence electrons, Negative ions are formed when neutral atoms or molecules gain valence electrons.

  • valence electrons ~ These are electrons in the outer shells of the atom, and are also those which are generally more susceptible to changes (such as removal and addition) when acted upon by outside forces.

  • ionization potential ~ This refers to the work required to remove a given electron from its atomic orbit and place it at rest at an infinite distance. The ionization potential is measured in electron volts (eV).
    1 eV = 23.053 calories.
    This figure can be misleading as it is based on a static potential measure for any given material.

  • nonlinear ~ This means a one to one relationship for input to output does not follow. Another way to describe nonlinear is elastic.

    A good example of nonlinear, elastic plasma behavior is “Negative Resistance”. A circuit which displays negative resistance behavior operates as follows:
      As the voltage across the circuit increases, the current across the circuit increases; but then as the voltage is further increased, the current flow becomes less!
    This area of negative resistance is a nonlinear property of a given circuit.

Matter exists in four states: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. The fourth state of matter is plasma. Most of the matter in the universe is plasma.
  • Solids are characterized by definite volumes and shapes that vary only slightly with environmental changes, provided they remain solid during those changes.

  • Liquids, while possessed of definite volumes, have no definite shape and take on the shape of their container. Liquids can exhibit certain gaseous properties as certain liquids are more compressible than others.

  • Gasses exhibit neither definite shape nor definite volume: they expand to fit large containers, may be compressed to fit smaller containers, and escape from open containers.

Liquids and gasses are collectively referred to as fluids as both display the ability to flow from one place to another. The distinction between fluids and solids is not always clear. Certain materials exhibit a property known as cold flow, appearing solid yet changing shape and dimension over time. Advancing glacier ice is an obvious solid exhibiting fluid properties...

  • Plasma is similar to gaseous matter with a main difference being that plasma is ionized. The constituents of plasma are atoms or molecules that possess a negative or positive charge. The behavior of plasma is determined by the characteristics of the gas and by the characteristics of the electric and magnetic fields.

Now we are ready to address the generation and control of certain types of plasma within plasma discharge tubes.

Plasma Discharge Tubes
A gas such as argon or neon or helium may changed into plasma by several means:
  • Heat the gas until it becomes ionized.
  • Expose the gas to certain types of radiation until ionization occurs.
  • Expose the gas to nearly any type of radiation at high enough levels and it will ionize.
  • Expose the gas to high intensity electric or magnetic fields.
  • Apply an electric potential across the gas.

One of the most convenient ways to ionize a gas is heat; this is done every time a flame is created. A more controlled method involves the use of electric and magnetic fields.

The illustration below of a gas discharge tube shows some of the major anomalies of a discharge tube operated at low pressures with direct current. The balance of this article will address such low pressure systems and some aspects of their control. Higher pressure systems generate considerable amounts of heat and complicates a simple description of the phenomena.

rife2.gif Gas Discharge Tube: This figure shows some of the major anomalies of a discharge tube operated at low pressures with direct current.
Fluorescent tubes, used for lighting purposes, are one of the most common low pressure discharge tubes in use today. The fluorescent lamp is filled with a low pressure mixture of inert or noble gasses, sometimes amounts of other more reactive gasses, and a small amount of metallic mercury. A voltage sufficient to induce ionization and also high enough to exceed the negative resistance region is applied for a brief time.

Prior to the excitation of the lamp, the gasses inside the lamp are fairly good insulators. During excitation the gasses ionize and then are able to conduct electricity more readily. The mercury vapor aids in the conduction and serves to emit light in the visible range, in the long wave ultraviolet range and in the short wave ultraviolet region. Some infrared is also emitted. The combination of radiation is allowed to strike light emitting materials (phosphors) on the inside surface of the tube, emitting by design white or colored light.

The frequency of light emitted by fluorescent tubes is determined by the gasses used, the nature and magnitude of excitation current, and by the phosphors in the tube. We credit Nikola Tesla for the primary development of this style of lighting tube.

Luminous tubes employ a mixture of gasses and sometimes mercury or other metals but no phosphors. The luminous tube most familiar is neon lighting, although other gasses are used to obtain different colors. The luminous tube is a nonlinear system and is affected by internal and external fields, both electric and magnetic.

The frequencies of light emitted by a luminous tube are determined by the gasses used, their concentrations, and by the nature and magnitude of the excitation current and by the effects of magnetic and electric fields. This type of lighting was widely used for advertising and especially popular with breweries. It is no accident that most neon sign manufacturers were located in Milwaukee in the 1940’s.

Controlling Plasma Tubes
The myriad effects of fields external to low pressure tubes with low to moderate power systems will only be briefly addressed. The actual light frequencies emitted by differing gasses and phosphors is tabulated in the CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemical Constants and other texts.

The tube is basically an insulator until a threshold voltage is reached At this point the tube becomes a conductor subject to its particular nonlinearities. Once the threshold voltage is reached and the gas in the tube is ionized, ionization continues at a reduced voltage. As voltage is further reduced, ionization is no longer supported and the tube is extinguished.

A tube can “ignite” or become conducting below the threshold voltage by several types of external and/or internal excitations. Brought to a critical voltage level, a tube can “avalanche” or become conducting with exceedingly small energy inputs. The Geiger-Muller tube uses this principle to detect radioactivity.

Some of the critical breakover excitations include:
  • Radiation of various wavelengths, generally the shorter the wavelength the greater the possibility of ignition.
  • Brief voltage excursions, generally in the form of a trigger pulse such as with a Xenon flash tube.
  • Heat in various forms
  • Fields, both static and dynamic.

For the modulation of the gas tube (especially nonlinear), special circuitry is required. The control element is required to have several times the current and voltage handling capability of the tube. As the tube generally operates on a relatively high voltage, control circuitry that may be affected by the electrostatic and magnetic fields generated should be shielded.

The greatest linearity is obtained by the use of some type of feedback loop or reverse non linear compensating circuit. Should the tube be required to have a range from zero emission to some nominal level, a pre ionization and/or “keep alive” provision should be made. To accomplish this function, a radioactive source or emitter has been used and is still used for cold cathode tubes. Generally, this has been an isotope of thorium. Highly radioactive substances have been used as a pre ionization by virtue that energetic particles released produce an apparent “spontaneous” ionization.

Very high power lasers are energized by plasma producing chemical reactions. On another scale, the Gissler tube had no apparent input power and relied on static electricity generated by metallic mercury rubbing against the crenellated sides of the tube.

The foregoing has largely addressed the direct current stimulation of tubes. Alternating current, throughout and beyond the radio frequency spectrum can be employed with profound secondary, tertiary and higher order effects. Plasmas can be induced in the air at normal pressures by this means capable of depositing atomic metals on the most delicate of substances without damage, or cutting through the toughest of armor with ease.

rife2.gif An ORIGINAL Rife tube shown with remarkable clarity. Note the electrode in the center.
Rife Beam Tube
In the book “The Cancer Cure that Worked!” a detailed description of the original Beam Tube can be found. It was really a straight forward device, simple to construct, and operate. The essentials were as follows:

  • The Beam Tube was constructed from a modified Coolidge X-RAY tube. The tube was filled with a mixture of noble gasses designed to create a narrow spectrum of light in the near UV range.

  • The Beam Tube was driven by a Radio Frequency transmission source of approximately 100-500 Watts. This transmitter was tuned to operate in the 28-35 Mhz band. The transmitter had provisions to be modulated in a class C configuration (on or off) by a square wave oscillator.

  • A square wave oscillator generated the Mortal Oscillatory Rates that keyed the transmitter on and off. The transmitter in turn ignited the plasma inside of the Coolidge tube which radiated the subject.

Please note that the beam tube actually formed an RF plasma. The plasma acted like a very special type of radio antenna. In fact, no good studies exist that explore the radiation characteristics of an RF plasma device.

rife4.gif Proposed Rife Plasma Beam Tube consisting of a plasma antenna using a small thin glass tube cut to 1/4 the wavelength of a RF transmitters resonant frequency, and wound into a coil that is positioned vertically and mounted to a suitable insulator, would make efficient use of the rf supplied.
The subject then was bathed in these emanations for short periods of time every other day or every two days... and most importantly, the device worked! It cured people who were in advanced stages of the disease! Remember, Rife was their last hope, he only worked with terminally ill patients.

Reconstructing the Original Tube
Our research team has been studying the means by which a Rife Beam tube might be reconstructed and perhaps made to be more efficient. One of the principle concerns of anyone using Radio Frequency (rf) energy is burning effects. Much like the workings of a microwave oven, rf energy can cause local heating in a subject. The diathermy machine is based on this premise.

If a beam tube could be fabricated in such a way that a more efficient use of the RF power was obtainable, it would certainly make for a safer device. One way to realize this type instrument, is to create a plasma antenna using a small thin glass tube cut to 1/4 the wavelength of a RF transmitters resonant frequency, and wound into a coil that is positioned vertically and mounted to a suitable insulator. The tube would be closed at both ends and house two electrodes between which, a plasma would be created and sustained.

The plasma would be created by a separate high voltage source such as a neon sign transformer. At one end of this antenna device, the output of the transmitter would be coupled through a suitable impedance matching network, so that the transmitter could be tuned properly and the power would be transmitted to the load. The transmitter would be keyed on and off by a modulator that was controlled by an IBM PC.

rife5.gif Proposed Rife Plasma Beam Tube would make use PC technology to select and control the Mortal Oscillatory Rates.
The IBM PC would be responsible for generation the various Mortal Oscillatory Rates necessary to make the machine operate properly. The computer would be programmed to function as the Rife square wave generator and would require custom programming. In all, the unit could be fashioned into a nice clinical package and could be engineered to be robust, and flexible enough to allow for software modifications that might greatly enhance performance.

Once this beam tube is developed, we feel that the door will be open to a world of exploration and endless discovery.__BF
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